What to do with the soy sauce fish

Soy sauce fish from sushi stores are marine hazards

Plastic soy sauce fish are marine hazards. 

They're one of the most common items found washed up on beaches. I refuse them at sushi stores when I'm offered but the staff. They're single use plastic and for such a small amount of content. The amount of plastic outweighs the content inside. 

You may have kept them to upcycle or just because they're cute. Well they are cute. So if you have them stored up, here's a few fun ideas to upcycle them! 🫶🩵

A little history

The lunch charm, was its original Japanese name. In 1954 Teruo Watanabe was asked to design up a small container for soy sauce that people could use at lunchtime. 

The lunch charm was their original name

The design

The design criteria were set as, a sauce container like a straw that could be easily thrown away. It's polyethylene recyclable plastic. He came up with the fish design and later a golden gourd and pig were also created. 

The design brief was to make a small straw container for people to use at lunch

Soy sauce fish are major marine hazards

The plastic fish are one of the most common items washed up on beaches and they're eaten by marine life. 

They are a major marine hazard. Marine life eat them

Don't accept them from sushi stores

If they offer them to you, just say no. 

Don't accept them. They're single use plastic. Say no at sushi stores

A few ways to upcycle them 

Make a necklace! The little fish make cute necklace ornaments and you can fill them with colour. 

You could make a necklace with any old ones you have lying around

Fill a vase

They look awesome in water filled with colour. Just drop in some basil. 

Or fill a vase with them

Decorate your phone case

Decorate your phone case with them. Use a hot glue gun and stick them on. 

Decorate your phone case. Stick them on

Make tiny fish lights

Cut off the cap (nose) and use them as fairy light shades. You could even colour them with permanent marker. Liiiiittt

Make tiny fish lights

Give them to a friend

They might enjoy chasing them. 

Or give them to a cat friend

Thanks of your support. With your help we can reduce the number of soy sauce fish in the oceans. 

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